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Conviértete en un trabajador electoral hoy

¡Nunca es demasiado pronto para ayudar a la democracia! Al inscribirte para ser un trabajador electoral, puedes asegurarte de que todos los votantes, incluidos los votantes con discapacidades, los votantes que necesitan ayuda con el idioma y los votantes que desean emitir su voto en persona, tengan una experiencia positiva en las urnas. ¡Inscribirte hoy!

ALERT: Due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), the June 9th Primary election has been moved to June 23. All voters are encouraged to vote mail ballots. Voters mailing absentee ballots for the June 23rd primary do NOT need a witness. For now, the witness requirement still applies to all other elections. Voters voting on Election Day should double-check their polling locations as many locations have been changed throughout Virginia. Please contact the Board of Elections for more information.

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Election Date
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In Person Date
Online Date
Election Locations
Federal Primary (separate Republican and Democratic Primaries in some locations)