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Become a Poll Worker Today

It’s never too early to help democracy! By signing up to be a poll worker, you can ensure that all voters—including voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, and voters who want to cast their ballot in person—have a positive experience at the polls. Sign up today!

Photo ID is required before voting.

Acceptable photo ID include:

  • Alabama Driver's License
  • Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Digital Driver's License
  • Alabama Non-Driver ID
  • Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Digital Non-Driver ID
  • Alabama Photo Voter ID
  • State Issued ID (Alabama or any other state)
  • Federal Issued ID
  • US Passport
  • Employee ID from Federal Government, State of Alabama, County Government, Municipality, Board, Authority, or other entity of this state
  • Student or employee ID from a college of university in the state of Alabama (including postgraduate technical or professional schools)
  • Military ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Valid AL Department of Corrections Release Temporary ID (photo required)
  • Valid AL Movement/Booking Sheet from Prison/Jail System (photo required)
  • Valid Pistol Permit (photo required)

If you do not have a valid photo ID you may vote only if you are identified by two election officials in the polling place as a voter on the poll list who is eligible to vote and the election officials execute an affidavit stating this. 

If you do not have a valid photo ID and the election officials are not able to identify you, you must cast a provisional ballot.

Free photo ID available!

If you do not have a photo ID, you can get a free Alabama photo voter ID from the Secretary of State or from your county Board of Registrars. Mobile unit locations that provide these photo IDs are available and you can check out the addresses here. You are able to get a new photo ID card each time you move within the state.  

If you are elderly or have a disability such that your polling place is not accessible, you are not required to produce identification when voting by absentee ballot.

Voters can call or text 844-338-8743 at any time to reach VoteRiders Voter ID Helpline
