Massachusetts now offers unrestricted voting by mail for all state primaries and general elections.
The state sends mail ballot applications to all registered voters 45 days before the election. If you do not get an application, you can download and print the application here. 2022 Vote by Mail Application ( Note that if you are not enrolled in the Democratic or Republican parties, you must specify on the application which primary ballot you want. If you want a mail ballot, apply as soon as possible.
Permanent Vote-by-Mail:
You can indicate on your mail ballot application if you want a mail ballot for all future elections in the calendar year, and you will not have to apply again.
Returning your Ballot:
Once you receive your mail ballot, follow the instructions for filling it out and returning it. You can return it by mail in its postage-paid envelope. You can take it to your town or city election office. Or you can put it in an official ballot drop box. Find election offices and drop box locations here: Elections: Find My Election Office ( You can also drop it at early voting locations when those polls are open. You cannot leave a mail ballot at polling places on Election Day.
Mail ballots for the primary election must be received by 8 pm on Election Day, Sept. 6. Mail ballots for the general election on Nov. 8 must be received by 5 pm the third day after the election and be postmarked on or before Election Day. Ballots must be received in the election office; they cannot be left at polling places on Election Day.
Use Track My Ballot Track My Ballot: Search ( to determine the status of your mailed ballot.
You can still vote in person if you've applied to vote-by-mail. You can vote at an early voting location or your polling place on Election Day. You can't vote in person if your local election office has already accepted your ballot. You can't take your ballot back or vote again.
Click here for more information on voting by mail. Elections: Absentee Voting (
Absentee ballots
Absentee voters use the same ballots as mail voters and have the same deadlines for returning their ballots. Most voters who qualify for an absentee ballot can choose instead to apply for an early Vote by Mail ballot. Some circumstances require an absentee ballot application. You should fill out an absentee ballot application if:
You are a US citizen residing overseas; or
You are on active military duty; or
You are currently incarcerated for a reason other than a felony conviction; or
You are requesting an emergency absentee ballot due to hospitalization.
Emergency Absentee Ballots
Suppose you have been admitted to a healthcare facility within one week of the election. In that case, you may use the absentee ballot application to designate someone of your choice to deliver a ballot to you. The person you designate to deliver your ballot will need to bring the signed application to your local election office, pick up your absentee ballot, bring it to you, and return it for you by the close of polls on Election Day. Emergency ballots may be requested up until the close of the polls.
Request your Ballot