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It’s never too early to help democracy! By signing up to be a poll worker, you can ensure that all voters—including voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, and voters who want to cast their ballot in person—have a positive experience at the polls. Sign up today!

Idaho is a “partially closed” primary state. Each party has the ability to choose whether to allow unaffiliated voters or voters not registered with their party to participate in their primary. This decision is made 6 months before the primary election date each year. Unless the party chooses to allow voters not registered with their party to participate in the primary election, only voters registered with the party may vote in their primary.

When there are elections on nonpartisan issues or races scheduled on the same day as a party primary election, all registered voters can vote on the nonpartisan races.

If you have any questions about your state’s primary election, please contact your local election officials.
