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Become a Poll Worker Today

It’s never too early to help democracy! By signing up to be a poll worker, you can ensure that all voters—including voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, and voters who want to cast their ballot in person—have a positive experience at the polls. Sign up today!

To be eligible to vote you must be:

  • A resident of Mississippi for 30 days before the election
  • At least 18 years old, or will be 18 by the next General Election
  • Not declared mentally incompetent by a court
  • Not convicted of a disenfranchising crime

Incarcerated Voters & Returning Citizens: 

In Mississippi, you do not lose your voting rights if you were convicted of a crime in federal court or in another state. Most people in federal custody or leaving federal custody are eligible to vote in Mississippi. You only lose your voting rights if you are convicted of one of 23 barred crimes in the state. In this case, you can't vote while incarcerated, on probation, or on parole. Your right to vote can only be restored by the Governor or through a bill passed by both houses of the state legislature. Pretrial detention, misdemeanors, and federal and out-of-state convictions do not restrict your voting rights. 

Voters without traditional residence: 

In Mississippi, if you don’t have a permanent or fixed home, you can register to vote by including a drawing of your location to enable your county clerk to identify your appropriate voting precinct. The mailing address you provide on your registration can be a PO box, local shelter, advocacy organization, outreach center, or the home of someone who will accept mail for you. 
