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Become a Poll Worker Today

It’s never too early to help democracy! By signing up to be a poll worker, you can ensure that all voters—including voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, and voters who want to cast their ballot in person—have a positive experience at the polls. Sign up today!

Oregon Registration Deadline

You must register to vote for an upcoming election at least 21 days before that election. You also have up to 21 days before each election to change your address or to change or select party affiliation.

You can now register to vote online! Just fill out the form found here to complete your registration. Note, online registration requires a current Oregon drivers license or state ID card.

New Hampshire Registration Deadline

You can also register to vote on Election Day.

If you would like to be listed in the registration database before Election Day, your registration form must be received by your local Board of Elections 6-13 days before Election Day (depending on local schedules).

You may register to vote at the polls on Election Day. You will be asked to show proof of age, citizenship and address in order to register.

Montana Registration Deadline

Regular registration closes at 5pm, 30 days before Election Day. Your voter registration form must be postmarked or received by the Election Department at least 30 days before the election. 

Late Registration

Late registration begins 29 days from Election  Day, during which you can go in person to the county election office and register. Late registration ends at noon on the day before the election. 

Election Day Registration

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