In Kentucky, there are two ways to vote absentee: in person and by mail. The qualification criteria for each method are different. Both methods are described below.
Excused In-Person Absentee Voting
Voters who are eligible to vote on Election Day can also cast their vote early by using an excused in-person absentee ballot. They can do this during the six business days leading up to the last Thursday before Election Day if they meet any of the following requirements:
- Age, disability or illness that prevents later voting
- Living out of state temporarily
- Will be out of the country on Election Day
- Living out of the county temporarily as a student
- Working or commuting during voting hours
- Scheduled surgery and hospitalization (self or spouse)
- Pregnancy in the last trimester - no documentation required
- Working as an election officer
- A military or overseas voter
- A uniformed services voter confined to base
Note: Normal early voting does NOT require an excuse and occurs the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before Election Day. To learn more, click here.
Mail-In Absentee Voting
Voters can request a mail-in ballot to be sent to their registered county address if they submit their application at least fourteen (14) days before an election. The qualification criteria is below. ompleted absentee ballots must reach the county clerk’s office by 6pm local time on Election Day to be counted.
Mail-in absentee ballots must be requested through the portal.
To check the status of your absentee ballot, click here.
To be eligible for a mail-in absentee ballot, you must meet one of the following criteria:
- Age, disability, or illness that prevents in-person voting
- Temporarily living out of state
- Temporarily living out of the county as a student
- Being out of the county for all hours of in-person voting
- In jail on criminal charges but not convicted
- Enrolled in the crime victim address confidentiality protection program
- Military or overseas voter
- Moving or having moved to a different state while the registration books are closed in the new state before an election of electors for President and Vice President of the United States. In this case, the voter shall be allowed to cast a mail-in absentee ballot for electors for President and Vice President of the United States only.
The portal to receive absentee ballot requests will open no later than 45 days before the election. Voter ID will be verified through the portal.
Note: Voters who request a mailed absentee ballot are unable to vote in person unless they have not received their requested absentee ballot.
Special Circumstances (Disability/No Internet, Active Military, and People with Medical Emergencies within 14 Days of the Election.)
People with disabilities who are unable to use the portal, people who do not have internet and people who are otherwise unable to use the portal may call their County Clerk to have their information verified and entered into the portal for them.
You can apply for a medical emergency absentee ballot if a medical emergency occurs within 14 days before an election. The voter's spouse can also apply for an absentee ballot on their behalf. You can request this through your county clerk’s office.
Overseas citizens and US military personnel can find information on registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.
Request your Ballot