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Absentee Ballot Process

Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. If you qualify, you need to request your mail-in ballot either:

  • Five days before the election if you're applying in person, or
  • Seven days before if you're mailing your request.

Make sure your voted ballot is received by:

  • Noon on Election Day if you're mailing it, or
  • By the end of the day before Election Day if you're dropping it off in person.

Note: You can only use the official absentee ballot application form. Fill out the form and send it to the Absentee Election Manager's office in your county by mail or in person. You need to submit the application yourself, unless you've designated someone else to do it for you in case of a medical emergency. Make sure to complete this within five days of the election.

You can track your absentee ballot here.

Absentee Voting Eligibility 

You may cast an absentee ballot if you: 

  • Will be absent from the county on Election Day 

  • Are ill or have a physical disability that prevents a trip to the polling place 

  • Are a registered Alabama voter living outside the county 

  • Are an appointed election officer or poll watcher at a polling place other than your regular polling place 

  • You are working a required shift of ten hours or more that coincides with polling hours 

  • Are a caregiver for a family member (to the second degree of kinship) and the family member is confined to their home

  • Are not barred from voting because of a disqualifying felony conviction or, if you were were convicted of a disqualifying felony, you have had your right to vote restored. 

Business and Medical Emergencies

If you have an urgent work issue or a medical emergency and missed the deadline to vote by mail, you can still apply to vote late. Just make sure to do it before 5:00 pm the day before the election for work emergencies, or before noon on the day of the election for medical emergencies. You may use this option if: 

  • You are required by an employer under unforeseen circumstances to be out of the county on Election Day for an emergency business trip 

  • You are a caregiver of a person who requires emergency treatment by a licensed physician within 5 days before an election 

  • You have a family member to the second degree of kinship by affinity or consanguinity die within 5 days before an election 

  • You have a medical emergency requiring treatment from a licensed physician 

If the absentee ballot application is approved, the absentee election manager forwards the absentee ballot by U.S. Mail or personally hands the absentee ballot to you (or to a designee in the case of emergency voting). 

Ballot Receipt/Return 

You can return the absentee ballot: 

  • By US mail 

  • By personally handing the absentee ballot to the absentee election manager (or designee in case of medical emergency absentee voting) 

  • By commercial carrier 

Your voted absentee ballot must be postmarked by the day before the election and be received by noon on Election Day. If you're handing it in yourself, make sure to give it to the Absentee Election Manager's office before the end of the business day (by 5 pm) on the day before the election.

ID Requirements

If you vote an absentee ballot you must submit a copy of a valid photo ID. If you are entitled to vote absentee through the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, or any other federal law, you are not required to show the photo ID when voting absentee. 


If you require assistance voting your absentee ballot due to blindness, a disability, or inability to read or write, you may receive assistance from another individual of your choosing other than your employer, an agent of your employer, or an agent or officer of your union. Your absentee voting application must be signed by you and a witness.

Voting in Person 

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person may only do so by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 10 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online (if you have a valid Alaska driver’s license or state ID card). Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Division of Elections website. 

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person may be able to. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. Voters should destroy and dispose of their absentee ballot if they end up voting in-person. Voters should contact the Alaska Absentee and Petition Office to determine their options. Find their contact information here.

If you are unable to vote in Alaska on Election Day, you can vote absentee:

Absentee ballot applications are available anytime for each calendar year. The application deadline is 10 days before the election. You can request a ballot for a one election or for all elections in the year.

Apply early to receive your ballot in time. Regular absentee ballots are mailed about one to two weeks before an election. If your absentee ballot is to be sent to a remote area of Alaska, you may request a special advance ballot on this site. A special advance ballot will be mailed 45 days before the election.

Your voted ballot must be witnessed and signed in order to be accepted.

Absentee Voting by fax should be your last alternative to casting your ballot. By using this method to return your voted ballot, you need to be aware that you are voluntarily waiving your right to a secret ballot. You must apply separately for each election. You must submit your request no later than 5:00 pm the day before Election Day. If you are returning your ballot by fax, it must be voted, witnessed and received by the appropriate fax in the absentee voting office by 8:00 pm on Election Day.

If you are a qualified voter who is disabled, you may apply for an absentee ballot through a personal representative who can bring the ballot to you. A personal representative can be anyone over 18, except a candidate for office in the election, your employer, an agent of your employer, or an officer or agent of your union. Ballots are available 15 days before the primary, general or statewide special election at any regional elections office.

The personal representative brings the completed application to an election official for a ballot and takes the ballot to you. You complete a certificate authorizing the personal representative to carry your ballot, vote the ballot privately, place it in a secrecy sleeve and seal it inside the envelope provided. The personal representative brings the voted ballot back to the election official by 8:00 pm on Election Day.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Mail in voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request a mail in ballot is 11 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received by 7pm on Election Day in order to be counted. For more information, please contact your Secretary of State. You can sign up to track your ballot by mail on your Secretary of States website. 

Registered voters have two ways to get a ballot-by-mail:

Join the Active Early Voting List (AEVL)

There is no excuse required to receive an early ballot through the mail. You may request a ballot no later than 11 days before the election. Voters on the AEVL are automatically sent a ballot-by-mail for all elections in which they are eligible to vote. Sign up for the AEVL here

Request a One-Time Ballot-by-Mail 

By using one of the following methods:

- Online

-Submit a written request form

-Call your county recorder

-Send an email to your county recorder

Returning your Ballot-by-Mail

Early ballots by mail will be sent out about 27 days before the election, depending on when you requested the ballot. All ballots must be received by 7pm on Election Day in order to be counted. They can be mailed to your County Election Office or dropped in your local drop boxes. Please contact your county official for additional information.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person should not mail a ballot and vote in person. Some counties allow voters to vote in person on Election Day. Voters will be given a new ballot and their mailed ballot will be voided. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Voter Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The last day to request your ballot varies, as does the deadline to return the voted ballot. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of States website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. Please see below for more information.

To be qualified to vote an absentee ballot, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • You will be unavoidably absent from your polling site on Election Day (the law does not require you to give a reason)
  • You will be unable to attend your polling site on election day due to illness or physical disability
    • This includes those with concerns regarding COVID-19*
  • You are a member of the U.S. armed forces, merchant marines or the spouse or a dependent family member
  • A U.S. citizen domiciled in Arkansas but temporarily living outside the territorial limits of the United States

Requesting and Returning your Absentee Ballot:

You can obtain an application for an absentee voting ballot from your county clerk who may mail or fax you an application, or you can fill out an absentee ballot request form here.

The deadline to submit your absentee ballot is varies depending on how you return the application to the county clerk:

  • In-person by you: by close of business the Friday BEFORE the election
  • By designated bearer: by close of business the Friday BEFORE the election
  • By mail or by fax: 7 days before the election
  • By authorized agent: 1:30 pm on Election Day

The deadline to submit your ballot also depends on your method of delivery:

  • In-person by you: by close of business the Friday BEFORE the election.
  • By mail: by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day
  • By designated bearer: by close of business the Friday BEFORE the election.
  • By authorized agent: 7:30 p.m. on Election Day

Separate applications for absentee ballots are needed for every election.

Voter ID Needed for Absentee Voting:

If you are voting absentee, you must provide a copy of one of the following forms of ID:

  • An Arkansas driver's license
  • An Arkansas state ID
  • An Arkansas concealed carry handgun license
  • A U.S. passport
  • A U.S. military ID document
  • A student or employee ID card issued by a postsecondary educational institution
  • A public assistance ID card with photo issued by Arkansas or the federal government
  • A voter ID card with photo issued by the County Clerk
  • Detailed  list of Verification of Voter Registration ID requirements

You do not need to provide ID when voting absentee if you are:

  • A uniformed service member or marine on active duty who is absent from the county because of active duty or service
  • The spouse or dependent of a uniformed service member or marine, who is away from the county due to the active duty or service of the uniformed service member or merchant marine
  • Residents of a long-term care or residential care facility. These voters must provide a letter or other document from the facility's administrator that the voter is a resident of the facility

Voting in Person after Requesting an Absentee Ballot:

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: A poll worker will provide you with a provisional ballot at your polling location if you do not bring your mailed absentee ballot with you, which will be counted after your county elections official has confirmed you are registered to vote and did not vote more than once in that election.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

County elections officials mail vote-by-mail ballots to all active registered voters about a month before the election. You can choose whether to vote in person at your voting location or return the ballot you received either by mail or by dropping it off. 

Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked by Election Day or dropped off in-person by polls close on Election Day.


In California, all active registered voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot.


Ballots are mailed 29 days before an election.


After you’ve marked your ballot, insert your ballot in the envelope provided. Make sure to sign the envelope by the red “X,” print your address, and date the back of the return envelope. Your signature must match the signature on your voter registration card.

If you are unable to sign your name on the return envelope, make an X or distinguishing mark by the red “X” on the return envelope, or have someone print your name on the return envelope and sign as a witness.

Watch How to Return Your Completed Vote-by-Mail Ballot.


You can return your vote-by-mail ballot by mail or in person.

By Mail: If you wish to use the mailed ballot instead of voting in person, fill it out and mail it back early, so that it is postmarked no later than Election Day. You do not need a stamp to mail back your ballot in the return envelope provided.

In Person: You may drop off your ballot at any voting location in your county. Your county will also open secure ballot drop-off locations starting about a month before Election Day. Ballots returned at a secure ballot drop box must be deposited by 8pm on Election Day.

To vote in person on Election Day, the polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm. You may also be able to vote in person before Election Day. Learn more about early voting options using the state’s resource page.


Your vote-by-mail ballot must be postmarked by Election Day or dropped off in person at any polling place or a ballot drop-box by polls close on Election Day.

Anyone may return your ballot for you, as long as they don’t get paid on a per ballot basis. In order for your ballot to be counted, you must fill out the authorization section found on the outside of your ballot envelope.


You can track the status of your vote-by-mail ballot by visiting the My Voter Status website or the Where’s My Ballot website.


The deadline to update your address is 15 days before Election Day.


If you don’t receive your ballot in the mail, you’ve lost or destroyed your original ballot, or you’re unable to vote in person at the polls, you may apply for a replacement ballot using this form or by contacting your County Elections Office.


If you would like to request a vote-by-mail ballot after 7 days before the election, you will need to apply in person at your county elections office. Your county elections office may allow you to apply over the phone; please call them to see if your office allows telephone applications.


Yes! Even if you receive your vote-by-mail ballot, you can still vote at a polling place on Election Day as long as you haven’t returned your vote-by-mail ballot yet. Bring your unused vote-by-mail ballot to your local polling place anytime between 7:00 am and 8:00 pm on Election Day and give it to a poll worker, who will exchange it for a polling place ballot you can use instead. 

If you do not bring your vote-by-mail ballot with you, you will not lose your opportunity to vote at a polling place on Election Day. If the poll worker is able to verify that you have not returned your voted ballot, then you will be given a regular ballot. If not, a poll worker will provide you with a provisional ballot, which will be counted after your county elections official has confirmed you are registered to vote in that county and did not vote more than once in that election.


Overseas citizens and US military personnel need to be registered as a military or overseas voter by completing the California Online Voter Registration (COVR) application. For more information, please visit the Overseas Vote Foundations’ website.

Request your Ballot

All voters can receive a mail ballot before each Election Day. If you need to update the address you want you ballot mailed to, use the online tool to fill out the Voter Registration Application and update your address. You can sign up to track your mail ballot on your Secretary of State website. 

If you vote in-person, you may return your mail ballot and vote in-person at a voter service and polling center. Even if you do not return your mail ballot you may still vote in person. Once you vote in person your county clerk will not accept for counting any ballot that was mailed to you. The deadline to vote in-person is 7:00 PM on Election Day.

If you are a first time voter who registers by mail to vote in Colorado, you are required to submit one of the forms of identification (listed below) with your application. If you have not already done so, you must also submit a copy of one of these forms of identification when you return your absentee ballot application. DO NOT include original documents with the application. You must place the copy of ID in the outer envelope of the ballot, not inside the ballot itself. Please submit a copy of one of the following forms of identification:

  • A valid Colorado driver's license
  • A valid Colorado Department of Revenue ID card
  • A valid pilot's license issued by the Federal Aviation Administration
  • A valid U.S. Military ID card with a photograph
  • A valid Medicare or Medicaid card
  • A certified copy of a U.S. birth certificate
  • Certified documentation of naturalization
  • A valid U.S. passport
  • A valid student ID card with a photograph 
  • A valid identification card issued by a federally recognized tribal government certifying tribal membership
  • Valid employee identification with a photograph issued by the U.S. government, Colorado state government, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other political subdivision of the state
  • A valid veteran identification card issued by the U.S. department of veterans affairs veterans health administration with a photograph of the eligible elector.
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or another government document that shows your name and address. A cable bill, telephone bill or documentation from a Colorado public institution of higher education containing at least your name, date of birth, and legal residence address, or a paycheck from a government institution are also sufficient forms of ID

Note: Some forms of ID may not contain an address. If your address appears on the identification, the address must be in Colorado.

Ballots are mailed 22 days before Election Day, or three days after the County Clerk receives the request for a mail-in ballot.

To vote, fill out your ballot, sign it and return to your County Clerk.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.


Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. 

  • You determine that you are unable to appear at your polling place on Election Day because you will be absent from the city or town in which you live

  • You are an active member of the armed forces of the United States 

  • You or someone you care for is sick 

    • The term "sickness" is determined by the individual voter and includes identified and widespread diseases such as COVID-19 which poses a risk to a voter's health.

  • You are unable to appear at the polling location or may only be able to appear with the assistance of another or through great personal exertion.

  • Religion tenets that forbid secular activity on Election Day 
  • Your required performance of duties as a primary, referendum, or election official at a polling place other than your own during all the hours on Election Day 

You can fill out an absentee ballot request here. 

You may vote absentee beginning 31 days before a general election, 21 days before a primary, 19 days before a referendum. 

The sealed marked ballot and signed outer envelope must reach the town clerk's office before the close of the polls on Election Day. 

If you have an emergency (are suddenly ill, injured or hospitalized) within 6 days of an election, you may request an emergency absentee ballot. Contact your town clerk's office for more information. 

If you have submitted your executed ballot to the Town Clerk, and you change your mind and want to vote in person at the polls, you have until 10 AM on Election Day to appear at the Town Clerk’s office to withdraw your ballot.

You can track your absentee ballot here.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

To request an absentee ballot, track your ballot, or learn more about the absentee process, please click here.

To vote absentee you must qualify for one of the reasons listed below:

  • You are in public service or are a spouse or dependent living with or accompanying the person in public service. This also applies to members of the Uniformed Services. 

  • You cannot make it to the polls due to the nature of your business or occupation. This includes people providing care to a parent, spouse or child living at home and requiring constant care; students; and otherwise eligible people who are incarcerated. 

  • You are sick or temporarily or permanently physically disabled 

  • You are absent from the district while on vacation 

  • Due to the tenets or teachings of your religion 

  • You are temporarily living outside the US or are a spouse or dependent living with the person living outside the US (if you choose this reason you will receive a full primary ballot, however, you will only have the Federal Offices on your General Ballot). 

If you choose options 1, 3 or 6 above, you have the ability to make yourself a permanent absentee voter by checking the box on the request form. 

You can check the status of your affidavit and your ballot here. Absentee ballots for School Board Elections have a separate application process. You can start here.  

How to Vote in Person if Vote-by-Mail Ballot was Requested:

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: When voters arrive at their polling place, an election officer (poll worker) will confirm via the pollbook that their VBM ballot has not been returned to the Department. The voter’s unreturned VBM ballot will be voided, and they will be allowed to vote in person at the polling place.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. Requests for Mail-in-Ballots must be received no later than the 15th day before each election. Your absentee ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day to be counted. You can check the status of your absentee ballot here.

To ensure that you receive your mail-in ballot at the correct address, it is critical that you CHECK and UPDATE (if necessary) your voter registration.

Voting and Returning an Absentee Ballot

Your voted absentee ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day. The return envelope must be signed in order for your vote to be counted. 

You do not need to provide ID if you've already voted in DC at least once. If you're voting for the first time in DC and did not provide any ID at registration, you must include a copy of your ID with your absentee ballot applications. You may provide either: 

  • A copy of a current driver's license or other photo ID that shows your name and address 

  • A copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that shows your name and address 

Permanent Absentee Ballot List

To be a Permanent Absentee Voter, simply check the appropriate box on the Absentee Ballot Application or send a written request to the Board of Elections office

Voting In Person After Requesting an Absentee Ballot

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person or on Election Day, at a Vote Center: Voters can dispose of the ballot that they received in the mail. They will be provided a new ballot at the Vote Center. Voters may be required to complete a Special Ballot if the pollbook shows they have received an Absentee Ballot for this election or have returned a ballot to BOE. If you have not already voted, your Special Ballot will be counted.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Vote-by-Mail (absentee voting) is available in Florida and no excuse is required. The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot from your local Supervisor of Elections is no later than 5:00 pm, 12 days before the election. Your voted ballot must be mailed or delivered in person to your local Supervisor of Elections’ office no later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.  


In Florida, all registered voters are permitted to vote-by-mail. 


You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone from your county’s Supervisor of Elections. 

If you are requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for yourself, you must provide the following information: 

  • Your name 
  • Your address 
  • Your date of birth 
  • Your signature (written requests only) 

If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, they must provide the above information about you as well as the following: 

  • Their name 
  • Their address 
  • Their driver's license number (if available) 
  • Their relationship to you (the voter) 
  • Their signature (written requests only) 


The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot is 12 days before the election. You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone from your county’s Supervisor of Elections. 

Note: Voters may pick up a mail ballot in person. If a voter or designee waits until the mandatory Early Voting period or Election Day to pick up a mail ballot in person, the voter must affirm that an emergency exists that keeps them from being able to vote at a polling place by completing an affidavit. 


Your voted ballot must be mailed or delivered in person to your local Supervisor of Elections’ office no later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.  


Ballots are mailed approximately five weeks prior to each election or 7 days after the county election office receives an application.  


All vote-by-mail ballots contain voting instructions, be sure to follow these instructions to ensure your ballot is counted. You must personally vote your own ballot (unless assistance is required due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write). Each mail ballot packet will contain a ballot, a secrecy sleeve (with instructions), and a pre-addressed voter’s certificate return envelope that must be signed by you. 

If you returned your vote-by-mail ballot but forgot to sign the envelope, or if the signature has been flagged for review, your ballot may not count unless you complete and return the Vote-By-Mail Cure Affidavit form with a copy of your identification no later than 5 pm two (2) days after the election. Voters with signature issues are notified by mail, email, and telephone based on the information they have provided.  

Your voted ballot must be mailed or delivered in person to your local Supervisor of Elections’ office no later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election. 


You can drop off your signed, voted ballot at your local Supervisor of Elections’ office during business hours. You can also bring your voted ballot to any early voting location during early voting hours. Another option is to exchange the voted ballot for an in-person ballot at any early voting location or at your assigned polling location on Election Day. 


You can track the status of your ballot by mail application or ballot online here. If you have any issues with your state’s online tracker, please contact your local elections official


Bring your absentee ballot and the pre-addressed outer return envelope to your polling place to be voided. If you don’t have your ballot or never received it, you will be able to cast a provisional ballot, and your vote will be counted once the county determines it never received an absentee ballot from you. 


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation. 

Request your Ballot

Any registered Georgia voter can apply for an absentee ballot. You can apply for your absentee ballot online, by mail, email, fax or deliver it in person to your county registrar. Your voted ballot must be received by your county board of registrars by 7pm on Election Day to be counted.


Any registered Georgia voter can apply to vote absentee. You do not need an excuse to request an absentee ballot


You apply for your absentee ballot online, or you can print the absentee ballot application form to mail, email, fax, or deliver in-person to your county board of registrars.

The application must contain:

  • your mailing address
  • the election in which you wish to vote
  • An acceptable form of identification: either your driver's license number, state ID number, the last four digits of your social security number, or, if you don't have those, a copy of your voter ID.

If you are physically disabled or living temporarily outside your county of residence, a close relative may apply for an absentee ballot for you.


Absentee ballot applications are due 11 calendar days before Election Day.


Voted absentee ballots must be received by the county board of registrars by 7pm on Election Day.


Yes, you must apply for an absentee ballot before each election. Absentee ballots may be requested any time between 78 and 11 calendar days prior to Election Day.


Counties mail out absentee ballots starting 29 days before the election.


After your county elections office reviews your application, you will receive your ballot by mail at the address you put on your absentee ballot application. 

Once you receive your ballot, fill out your choices by filling in the circles for your choices, you will place it in an envelope that will have your name, signature, driver's license or state ID number (or last four digits of your Social Security number) and date of birth. Sensitive personal information will be hidden once it is sealed.

Absentee ballots will be checked using the ID information you write on the outside envelope instead of your signature. 


Voted absentee ballots may be returned by mail, in person, or at a secure drop box location. Here are more details:

  • Mail your completed ballot. For voters within the country, all absentee ballots must arrive at your county election office by Election Day. Allow extra time for postal and election office processing.
  • Hand-deliver your absentee ballot to your county registrar. If you registered as a disabled voter, someone in your household can hand-deliver your absentee ballot for you. Contact your county registrar for available drop-off locations. If you're currently a military or overseas voter and you post your absentee ballot on Election Day, make sure it arrives within 3 days.
  • Bring your ballot to your county's drop box. Each county has a minimum of one drop box, located indoors and available to voters only during operating hours. Contact your county registrar for your drop box location(s).


You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on the GA Secretary of State’s website.


If you still have the absentee ballot and give it to the poll manager at your precinct, then you may vote a regular ballot. If you haven't received an absentee ballot, or if you have returned the absentee ballot, but the registrars haven't received the ballot, you may cancel the absentee ballot by appearing in person before the registrar or absentee ballot clerk and making a written request to have the ballot marked “canceled.”

If your absentee ballot has been voted and returned to and received by the board of registrars, then no other ballot will be issued to you.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a mail ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation. 

Request your Ballot

All registered voters receive a mail ballot before each Election Day. All voted ballots must be received by your Clerk’s Office no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election day to be counted. Voters may also return their ballot to a place of deposit (ballot drop box)You can sign up to track your mail ballot on your Office of Elections website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  

Requesting and Returning your Vote-by-Mail Ballot

An official ballot will be mailed to each registered voter in Hawaii to the address listed on their voter registration record. Voters who will be away during the election may request for their ballot to be mailed to another address. Simply complete the one-time absentee application and indicate where you would like your ballot to be mailed. Your application must be received by your city or county clerk at least seven days before the election to be processed. Voted ballots must be received by mail or in person no later than 7:00 PM on the day of the election.

One-time absentee applications are available online or by contacting your local city or county clerk.

Voting in Person

Voters may still vote in-person, even if they received a mail ballot, by visiting any voter service center in their county. Voter service centers are open 10 days through Election Day for in-person voting, same day registration and accessible voting.

You may also vote at an absentee walk-in polling place before Election Day; please see Early Voting below for more details.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 11 days before the election. To ensure your vote counts, your completed ballot must reach the election office by Election Day. You can submit your absentee ballot request form by mail, in person at the local elections office, or online. You can also register to track your absentee ballot status on the Secretary of State's website. Absentee ballots will be counted starting on Election Day.

Requesting and Returning your Vote-by-Mail Ballot:

You can fill out an absentee ballot request form online here, or any registered voter may apply in writing to the County Clerk to receive an absentee ballot. The application must give your name, address, and mailing address to which the ballot will be forwarded. The mail-in application must be signed personally by you and be received by the County Clerk no later than 11 days before the election.

Note: only you, a relative, a caregiver, or a member of your household may return your completed ballot unless they are compensated by you, a postal worker, or an elections official.

How to Vote in Person if Vote-by-Mail Ballot was Requested:

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Voters must surrender their absentee ballots before receiving a regular ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk's contact info here.

In-person voting at the absentee elector's polling place ends at 5:00 pm on the Friday before the election.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot by mail is 5 days before the election. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received within two weeks in order to be counted. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail, a secure drop box, or in person.  Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. Contact your local elections office for more information.

Requesting and Returning your Absentee Ballot: 

You do not need an excuse to vote absentee in Illinois. You can request an absentee ballot:

  • In person - no more than 90 days but before 1 day before the election
  • By mail inside the US - no more than 90 days or less than 5 days before the election
  • By mail outside the US - no less than 30 days before the election (to receive the full ballot), or less than 30 days but no more than 10 days before the election to receive the Federal Ballot only

Upon receipt, complete the application. Make certain to include your name, home address, address where you want the ballot to be mailed, and please remember to sign the application.

After completing the application, either mail it or hand-deliver it to your election authority. If you return the application in person or complete the application in the election authority's office, you may immediately vote with your absentee ballot in the election authority's office. If you mail the application and it is properly completed, the election authority will mail your absentee ballot to you.

After receiving your ballot, VOTE THE BALLOT IN SECRET. Insert the ballot into the envelope provided, seal it, complete and sign the certification on the back and PERSONALLY return it or mail it. The absentee voter may authorize, in writing, that a spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, or licensed motor carrier, should deliver the completed absentee ballot to the election authority in sufficient time to be delivered to the polling place on Election Day. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received within two weeks in order to be counted.

Permanent Vote-by-Mail List:

If you are a registered voter in Illinois, you may apply to be added to a permanent vote-by-mail list. A notice of this new option will be sent to all qualified voters before the next general election along with the application to opt-in. Voters will still have the option to vote-by-mail for a single election. The permanent vote-by-mail application will be available online closer to the next election here

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person:

To do this, voters must bring their mailed ballot to the election site and turn it in to the election judge. If they do not have their mailed ballot with them, they will only be able to vote using a provisional ballot.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot from the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 12 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received by 6 pm (close of polls) on Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  

If you wish to have your absentee ballot sent to you by mail, you must meet at least one of the qualifying excuses on Election Day:

  • Have a specific, reasonable expectation that you will be absent from your county of residence on Election Day during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open (6:00 am to 6:00 pm)
  • Be an election official
  • Be confined on Election Day due to illness or injury during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open or caring for a confined person at a private residence.
  • Be a voter with disabilities that believes their polling place is not accessible to them
  • Be 65 years of age or older
  • Be a caretaker of an individual(s) confined to a private residence due to illness or injury and prevented from voting during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open
  • Be scheduled to work for the entire 12 hours that the poll is open
  • Are prevented from voting due to observing a religious discipline or holiday during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open
  • Be participating in the address confidentiality program
  • Be a member of the military or public safety officer
  • Be considered a "serious sex offender"
  • Are prevented from voting due to not having transportation to the polls
  • A voter who is physically unable to complete the ballot and sign the affidavit on their own

Requesting an Absentee Ballot:

If you are eligible to vote absentee, you must fill out the absentee voting application. You must submit your application for an absentee ballot at least 12 days before the election. If you are a confined voter or a voter caring for a confined individual, there are other deadlines and requirements that apply. 

ID Requirements for Requesting Absentee Ballot

NOTE: Starting in July 2023, when you request your absentee ballot using either the paper application or online, you will need to provide the last four digits of your social security number and either your driver's license number, state identification card number, unique voter identification number, or submit a photocopy of acceptable photo identification. If you fail to provide these ID numbers, you will have an opportunity to cure your request, but it may result in a delay in receiving your mail ballot. 

Voted ballots must be received by 6 pm (close of polls) on Election Day in order to be counted.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person may only do so on Election Day. A voter may not surrender their absentee ballot and vote in person during early voting. If your absentee ballot is lost, spoiled, or defective you can fill out the ABS-5 form ( and the election office will issue you a new ballot by mail or you can vote on a machine at early voting.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. County election officials may only send out absentee ballot request forms if requested. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail or in person. The last day to vote in-person absentee at your county auditor’s office is Monday, November 7. Mail-in ballots must be received by the close of polls on Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Contact your local elections office for more information.


Applications for absentee ballots can be obtained online in a PDF format, or mailed upon request from the Secretary of State. You can also request a ballot by mailing the application to the county auditor/commissioner of elections in the county where you are registered.

You must provide ID information on your absentee ballot request forms. All request forms must include your driver's license/non-driver's ID number or your Voter ID Card's four-digit PIN number. Request forms without these forms of ID will not be accepted.

A written application for a mailed absentee ballot must be received by the voter's County Auditor no later than 5:00 p.m. 15 days before the election. If the request is received so late that it is unlikely the absentee ballot can be returned by mail in time to be considered for counting, the county auditor will enclose a statement to that effect with the absentee ballot.

For primary and general elections, the ballots are mailed no later than 20 days before election day. For other elections, ballots are mailed to voters as soon as they are ready. The county auditor will include instructions on how to mark the ballot as well as how to return the ballot.

Mail ballots must be received by the county auditor's office by the time polls close on Election Day (8:00 pm) in order to be counted. Voted absentee ballots cannot be delivered to the polling place on election day.

NOTE: You may designate an individual who lives in your household or a member of your immediate family to return your ballot using one of the above methods. Your ballot must be received by 8:00 PM CT on Election Day. Blind and/or disabled voters may designate a delivery agent to return their voted absentee ballot.

Voting in Person after Requesting an Absentee Ballot

Voters have the option to deliver their absentee ballot to the county auditor's office before the polls close on election day, surrender their voted absentee ballot at the polls and vote a regular ballot, or vote a provisional ballot at the polls if they cannot surrender their absentee ballot.

County Auditors may use Satellite Absentee Voting Stations to provide absentee voting at places other than the Auditors office. You must mark your ballot at the station and leave it with the officials. All satellite stations must be accessible to people with disabilities. Note: Under a new Iowa law, satellite voting sites may only be set up if enough voters petition for one

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail or in person. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. Contact your local elections office for more information.

To vote by mail, follow these instructions:

  • Complete the application for an advance ballot
  • Provide either your driver's license number on the ballot application or a copy of your photo ID document with your application
  • Return the application to your county election office before the registration deadline for the next election
  • The ballot will be mailed to you. Vote your ballot. Remember to sign the outside of the ballot envelope. Return your ballot to your county election office
  • All voted ballots MUST be postmarked on or before Election Day and received in the county election office by the close of business on the third business day following the election
  • You may request assistance in applying for and casting an advance voting ballot

Advance ballots are mailed out beginning 20 days before the election until the 4 days before an election. Make sure you apply for an advance ballot before the deadline to receive your ballot in the mail.

Voting in person after requesting an absentee ballot:

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person will be given a provisional ballot to ensure they only vote once. If you have any questions, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Request your Ballot

In Kentucky, there are two ways to vote absentee: in person and by mail. The qualification criteria for each method are different. Both methods are described below.

​Excused In-Person Absentee Voting

Voters who are eligible to vote on Election Day can also cast their vote early by using an excused in-person absentee ballot. They can do this during the six business days leading up to the last Thursday before Election Day if they meet any of the following requirements:

  • Age, disability or illness that prevents later voting
  • Living out of state temporarily
  • Will be out of the country on Election Day
  • Living out of the county temporarily as a student
  • Working or commuting during voting hours
  • Scheduled surgery and hospitalization (self or spouse)
  • Pregnancy in the last trimester - no documentation required
  • Working as an election officer
  • A military or overseas voter
  • A uniformed services voter confined to base

Note: Normal early voting does NOT require an excuse and occurs the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before Election Day. To learn more, click here.

Mail-In Absentee Voting

Voters can request a mail-in ballot to be sent to their registered county address if they submit their application at least fourteen (14) days before an election. The qualification criteria is below. ompleted absentee ballots must reach the county clerk’s office by 6pm local time on Election Day to be counted.

Mail-in absentee ballots must be requested through the portal.


To check the status of your absentee ballot, click here.


To be eligible for a mail-in absentee ballot, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Age, disability, or illness that prevents in-person voting
  • Temporarily living out of state
  • Temporarily living out of the county as a student
  • Being out of the county for all hours of in-person voting
  • In jail on criminal charges but not convicted
  • Enrolled in the crime victim address confidentiality protection program
  • Military or overseas voter
  • Moving or having moved to a different state while the registration books are closed in the new state before an election of electors for President and Vice President of the United States. In this case, the voter shall be allowed to cast a mail-in absentee ballot for electors for President and Vice President of the United States only.

The portal to receive absentee ballot requests will open no later than 45 days before the election. Voter ID will be verified through the portal.

Note: Voters who request a mailed absentee ballot are unable to vote in person unless they have not received their requested absentee ballot. 

Special Circumstances (Disability/No Internet, Active Military, and People with Medical Emergencies within 14 Days of the Election.)

People with disabilities who are unable to use the portal, people who do not have internet and people who are otherwise unable to use the portal may call their County Clerk to have their information verified and entered into the portal for them.

You can apply for a medical emergency absentee ballot if a medical emergency occurs within 14 days before an election. The voter's spouse can also apply for an absentee ballot on their behalf. You can request this through your county clerk’s office. 

Overseas citizens and US military personnel can find information on registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available if you meet specific criteria. The last day to request your ballot varies, as does the deadline to return the voted ballot. The deadline for most voters to request their absentee ballot is four days before Election Day. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. For most voters, the deadline to return the voted absentee ballot is a day before the election. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website.  Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person may only do so by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Please see below for more information.

You must have a reason to vote by mail, unless you are a military or overseas citizen. There are 12 reasons to vote by mail:

  • Senior citizen 65 years of age or older
  • A home or a nursing home or veterans' home resident and you have been previously approved for the Disability program, or you are disabled, home bound or a nursing or veterans' home resident and you are submitting current proof of disability with your application. For more information on the Disability Program, click here.
  • A student, instructor, or professor (or spouse or dependents of the following,) in an institution of higher learning located outside the parish.
  • A minister, priest, rabbi, or clergy (or spouse or dependents of the following,) assigned to a religious post outside the parish.
  • A person who is or who expects to be temporarily outside the territorial limits of the state or absent from the parish during early voting and on Election Day.
  • A person who has moved after the registration books closed (30 days prior to an election) to another parish and the new residence is more than 100 miles from the parish of former residence.
  • A sequestered jury member.
  • A person who expects to be hospitalized on Election Day and did not have such knowledge until after early voting week passed.
  • A person who expects to be hospitalized on Election Day and who was hospitalized during early voting.
  • A person who was hospitalized and released prior to an election but who is either hospitalized or restricted to bed during early voting and on Election Day.
  • A person who by virtue of employment or occupation expects to be out of their precinct during early voting and on Election Day.
  • You are involuntarily confined in an institution for mental treatment outside your parish of registration and you are not interdicted and not judicially declared incompetent.
  • You are incarcerated or expect to be incarcerated in an institution inside or outside your parish of registration and you are not under an order of imprisonment for conviction of a felony

To request normal absentee ballots by mail, you must complete and return a request for absentee ballot indicating the reason you are not able to vote in person absentee or in person on Election Day.

You may request an absentee ballot as early as 60 days prior to the election. Your voted ballot must be witnessed and signed in order to be accepted.

Timeline to request an absentee ballot by mail

  • Military Personnel: Anytime before 4:30pm on the day before election day
  • US Citizens residing outside the US: Anytime before 4:30pm on the day before election day
  • Hospitalization: By 4:30pm on the day before election day
  • All others: Anytime before 4:30pm on the 4th day before election day

Deadlines for returning your voted ballots

  • Military Personnel: By 8pm on election day
  • US citizens residing outside the US: By 8pm on election day
  • Hospitalization: By 8pm on election day
  • All others: By 4:30pm on the day before election day
Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received by 8pm on Election Day to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State's website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. The last day to request an absentee ballot without an approved excuse is five days before the election (Thursday of the week before). After this deadline, voters may request an absentee ballot by completing and signing a Special Circumstances Application. The voter must indicate which of the four allowable reasons to request an absentee ballot after the deadline applies to them:

1.       Unexpected absence from the municipality during the entire time the polls are open on Election Day; or

2.       Physical Disability; or

3.       Incapacity or illness that has resulted in the voter being unable to leave home or a treatment facility; or

4.       Inability to travel to the polls if the voter is a coastal island ward or precinct resident.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Do not mail a ballot and vote in person Absentee ballots are processed in batches throughout the day and the list of those newly received absentee ballots is shared with each polling place for each batch, so if the absentee voter tries to vote in person, they will not be able to do so. (And conversely, if they vote in person before their ballot arrives that day, their absentee ballot will be rejected).

You do not need to have a specific reason or be unable to vote at the polls on Election Day to receive an absentee ballot.

You can request an absentee ballot online here beginning 3 months before Election Day. If you don't want to request a ballot online, you can contact your municipal clerk either in person on through the phone. A ballot will then be mailed to your address.

The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5 days before the election.

To be counted, voted absentee ballots must be received by the municipal clerk by 8pm on Election Day.

Map: Absentee Ballot Dropbox Locations

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Mail-in voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request a mail-in ballot is 14 days before the election. You can return your mail-in ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received or postmarked by 8 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your mail-in ballot on your Board of Elections website. 

Those who requested a mail-in ballot but end up voting in person will have to vote a provisional ballot. If you have not already voted, election officials will count that ballot as your vote. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Voters who submitted a request for a mail ballot at least 60 days prior to an election will receive their mail ballots 43 days prior to the election. For those who applied for a mail ballot within 60 days of the election, their ballot will be dispatched as soon as the request is received.

Cure Process for Mail-In Ballots:

Effective 10/1/2023

If your mail-in ballot is rejected due to a missing signature, your local board of elections is required to notify you as soon as possible, but not later than three business days after discovering the omission. The deadline to provide your missing signature is by 10 am on the 10th day after Election Day. You can sign up to track your mail-in ballot on your Board of Elections website.

You can provide the missing signature by 

  1. Sending a digital picture message via email or phone to your local board of elections office or
  2. Utilizing various communication options, including email, an accessible online portal, a mailed form, or an in-person visit to your local elections office.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request a mail-in ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Massachusetts now offers unrestricted voting by mail for all state primaries and general elections. 

The state sends mail ballot applications to all registered voters 45 days before the election. If you do not get an application, you can download and print the application here2022 Vote by Mail Application ( Note that if you are not enrolled in the Democratic or Republican parties, you must specify on the application which primary ballot you want. If you want a mail ballot, apply as soon as possible. 

Permanent Vote-by-Mail:

You can indicate on your mail ballot application if you want a mail ballot for all future elections in the calendar year, and you will not have to apply again. 

Returning your Ballot:

Once you receive your mail ballot, follow the instructions for filling it out and returning it. You can return it by mail in its postage-paid envelope. You can take it to your town or city election office. Or you can put it in an official ballot drop box. Find election offices and drop box locations here: Elections: Find My Election Office ( You can also drop it at early voting locations when those polls are open. You cannot leave a mail ballot at polling places on Election Day. 

Mail ballots for the primary election must be received by 8 pm on Election Day, Sept. 6. Mail ballots for the general election on Nov. 8 must be received by 5 pm the third day after the election and be postmarked on or before Election Day. Ballots must be received in the election office; they cannot be left at polling places on Election Day. 

Use Track My Ballot  Track My Ballot: Search ( to determine the status of your mailed ballot.  

You can still vote in person if you've applied to vote-by-mail. You can vote at an early voting location or your polling place on Election Day. You can't vote in person if your local election office has already accepted your ballot. You can't take your ballot back or vote again. 

Click here for more information on voting by mailElections: Absentee Voting ( 

Absentee ballots 

Absentee voters use the same ballots as mail voters and have the same deadlines for returning their ballots. Most voters who qualify for an absentee ballot can choose instead to apply for an early Vote by Mail ballot. Some circumstances require an absentee ballot application. You should fill out an absentee ballot application if: 

  • You are a US citizen residing overseas; or 

  • You are on active military duty; or 

  • You are currently incarcerated for a reason other than a felony conviction; or 

  • You are requesting an emergency absentee ballot due to hospitalization. 

Emergency Absentee Ballots 

Suppose you have been admitted to a healthcare facility within one week of the election. In that case, you may use the absentee ballot application to designate someone of your choice to deliver a ballot to you. The person you designate to deliver your ballot will need to bring the signed application to your local election office, pick up your absentee ballot, bring it to you, and return it for you by the close of polls on Election Day. Emergency ballots may be requested up until the close of the polls. 


Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available starting 40 days before Election Day, and no excuse is required. All voters must apply for an absentee ballot unless they are on the permanent mail ballot list. We encourage voters to submit their applications as soon as possible. You can return your absentee ballot application through the mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots from most absentee voters must be received by 8:00 pm on Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot and application on your Department of State website. All cities and townships can begin counting absentee ballots the Monday before Election Day. Cities and townships with a population of 5,000 or more can begin counting ballots as early as 8 days before Election Day.

Options to apply for an absentee ballot:

  • Online - must be registered to vote in Michigan and have a valid Michigan driver’s license or state ID
  • By Mail -  submit a completed absentee ballot application to your local clerk. Once the ballot application has been processed, the absentee ballot will be mailed to you beginning 40 days before the election.
  • By checking in with the poll workers and inserting your ballot into a tabulator at your In-person at your early voting site (up until the Sunday before Election Day)
  • At your local clerk's office
  • By checking in with the poll workers and inserting your ballot into a tabulator at your assigned polling place on Election Day (not available in the City of Detroit!)

You can sign up for the Permanent Mail Ballot List by checking the box on your absentee ballot application that says, “automatically send me an absent voter ballot for each future election for which I’m eligible.”

Deadline: Online absentee applications may be submitted until 5 p.m. the Friday before Election Day. 

Options for returning an absentee ballot:

  • By mail (not recommended within 14 days of an election)
  • By dropbox in your city or township
  • At an early voting site (up until the Sunday before Election Day)
  • At a clerk's office 

Deadline: After receiving your absentee ballot, you have until 8pm on Election Day to complete and return the ballot, unless you are serving in the military or living overseas. Absentee ballots from military and overseas voters must be postmarked by Election Day and received by your local clerk within 6 days of the election.

Emergency Absentee Ballot:

If you have an emergency that prevents you from going to the polls you may request an emergency absentee ballot. Requests must be submitted after the deadline for regular absentee ballots has passed (5pm on the Friday before Election Day) but before 4pm on Election Day. The emergency must have occurred at a time in which it made it impossible to get to the polls.

Additional Information

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. If a voter who has been issued an Absentee Voter Ballot decides to vote at the polls, they can bring their absentee ballot with them and insert it into the tabulator. The voter must check in with a poll worker before doing so. Please note: This option is not available in the City of Detroit. If the absentee ballot was lost or destroyed, the voter should go to their polling place, fill out the Application to Vote, and then vote a regular ballot.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Federal Voting Assistance Program

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 1 day before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person or at your local elections office. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  

You do not need to be registered to vote to request an absentee ballot. A voter registration application will be included in the materials. You must show your witness an accepted proof of residence when registering.

Returning your ballot:

You have multiple options to return your ballot: you can mail it, deposit it in a secure drop box, use a package delivery service like Fed Ex or UPS, or personally return the ballot in person at your local elections office

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person have that option as long as the voter has not returned their ballot. The voter can go to their early voting location before Election Day or their polling place on Election Day. They should tell the election officials that they requested an absentee ballot but want to vote in person instead. The election official will cancel their absentee ballot and allow the voter to vote in person. The voter should shred their absentee ballot when they return home; no other voter may use it.

Permanent Mail Voter List

Effective June 2024, Minnesota will introduce a permanent mail voter list, enabling voters who apply for "permanent absentee voter status" to receive a mail ballot for all elections. Absentee ballots will be sent to voters on the permanent absentee voter list at least 46 days before each regularly scheduled election.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

In Mississippi, there are two types of Absentee Voting: in-person and by mail. Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 5 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form by mail or in person. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received up to 5 days after the election to be counted. Track the status of your absentee or affidavit ballot using your state's online tool

Who can vote absentee in-person?

  • A student, teacher, or administrator at school who needs to be away from their home county for their studies or job on Election Day.
  • A voter who is away from their home county on Election Day for any reason can vote absentee.
  • Any person who has a temporary or permanent physical disability 
  • The parent, spouse, or dependent of a person with a temporary or permanent physical disability who is hospitalized outside of their home county or more than 50 miles away, and will be with that person on Election Day
  • Any person who is 65 years old or older
  • A member of the Mississippi congressional delegation who is absent from Mississippi on Election Day 
  • A voter who has to work on Election Day when the polls are open

Who can vote absentee by mail?

  • Any person temporarily living outside of their home county who needs their ballot mailed to an address outside the county 
  • Any person with a temporary or permanent physical disability who can't vote in person without significant difficulty or whose presence at the voting place could be dangerous to themselves or others 
  • The parent, spouse, or dependent of a person with a temporary or permanent physical disability who is hospitalized outside their home county or more than 50 miles away, and will be with that person on Election Day
  • Any person who is 65 years old or older

Beginning July 1, 2024, new qualifying criteria for requesting an absentee ballot by mail will be established. Voters will be eligible to vote-by-mail if they are:

  • Incarcerated in a prison or jail in the county where they are registered to vote and have not been convicted of a disenfranchising offense
  • Required to be on-call during voting hours on Election Day

Returning your Voted Ballot:

All mail ballots have to be sent back by mail. You can't drop off a completed mail ballot by hand, use drop boxes, or any other way to return the mail ballot. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received up to 5 days after the election to be counted. Track the status of your absentee or affidavit ballot using your state's online tool.

Please check with your voter registrar to determine if you are entitled to vote absentee and to learn the procedures for doing so. You can fill out an absentee ballot request form here.

Mississippians who need assistance with voting

If you need assistance due to a disability, blindness, or inability to read or write, you may select a person of your choice to assist you with delivering or returning your absentee mail-in ballot.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person:

You may only do so by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

US military personnel and overseas citizens can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting begins six weeks before an election for registered voters. You may vote by absentee ballot if you fulfill one of the following criteria: 

  • Incapacity or confinement due to illness or physical disability.
  • Expect to be absent on Election Day
  • Election workers, first responders, healthcare workers and members of law enforcement
  • Prevented by religious beliefs from going to the polls on election day
  • Incarcerated but haven't lost right to vote
  • Active-duty military personnel and close family members living with them.
  • Missouri citizens living outside the U.S 

You can request absentee ballots from your local election authority in person or by mail or fax. Mailed in or faxed absentee ballot requests should be submitted to the appropriate local election authority. Relatives within the second degree (parents and children,) may complete an absentee ballot application, in person, on behalf of the voter who wishes to vote absentee. Do not send absentee ballot applications to the secretary of state's office. They must be sent to the local election authority to be valid. 

Mail-in or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the election authority no later than the 5:00 pm on the second Wednesday before any election. If you have registered to vote by mail and are voting absentee the first time you vote, you are required to provide a copy of your ID with your absentee ballot request unless you provided a copy with your voter registration application. Examples of acceptable ID are: 

  • Valid Missouri driver's license 

  • Valid Missouri non-driver's license 

  • Valid U.S. passport 

  • Valid military ID 

This identification requirement, as well as the notary requirement for absentee ballots, does not apply to overseas voters, those on active military duty or members of their immediate family living with them or voters who are permanently disabled and their caregivers. 

Voted absentee ballots must be received at the election authority’s office by 7:00 PM on Election Day. May be returned by mailing service, in person or close relative, curbside service available at all voting authorities.

For more information, or to request an absentee ballot, click here.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person, should contact their local election authority for further instructions.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting (vote by mail) is available in Montana and no excuse is required. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is the day before the election by noon, and your marked ballot must be received before the polls close on Election Day to be counted.


In Montana, all registered voters are eligible to vote absentee.


You can download the form online, pick up an application at your local election office or the secretary of state’s office, or call either election office and ask to have an application mailed to you.


The deadline to request an absentee ballot is the day before the election by noon. You can drop off your application in-person or mail it to the county election office with enough time before the election for processing and mailing the ballot to you.

A physical signature is required on the absentee application. If you plan to send the application to your local election office electronically, you should complete & print the online application, sign, scan, and email it attached as a PDF.

Once you have submitted your application, your absentee ballot will be mailed to you, or if closer to the election, given to you unless you indicate on the application that you have designated someone to pick it up for you


Absentee ballots for federal and state elections are mailed to eligible voters starting 25 days before Election Day. 


After marking your absentee ballot, return it in the envelope provided. Be sure to sign the affirmation on the return envelope before sending it back or dropping off. Carefully read the instructions included with the packet.


Once you have marked your ballot, you can return it to your county election office before the polls close on Election Day in the secrecy envelope provided.


You can track your absentee ballot on the Secretary of State website. 


Most counties allow you to vote in person even if you requested an absentee ballot as long as you don’t submit your absentee ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. Please reach out to your local election office for more information.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a mail ballot from the Overseas Vote Foundation. 

Request Your Ballot Button

Request your Ballot

Early mail-in voting (formerly known as absentee voting) is available, and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is the second Friday before the election (unless that date is a state holiday, in which case the deadline is the following Monday). You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail or in person. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. Contact your local elections office for more information.

Requesting and Returning an Early-Vote (absentee) Ballot

You can apply for an early voting (formerly known as absentee) ballot by contacting your county clerk in person, by personal agent, by mail or by fax. You can print the early voting application request form from your state's website. To apply for early voting, you should complete the form and then mail or fax it to your county clerk.

You may also send in a hand-written request. You can obtain an early voting ballot by writing to your county clerk or election commissioner with the following information:

  • Your name and residence address
  • Your political party affiliation
  • Your voting precinct (if known)
  • Your phone number
  • The mailing address you want the ballots sent to
  • Your signature

NOTE: Beginning April 2024, voters will be required to provide their Nebraska drivers’ license or state ID number when requesting and returning a ballot by mail. Alternatively, voters could include a photocopy of their qualifying ID.

All county election offices will accept early voting applications up to 120 days prior to a statewide election. However, regular early voting ballots are not sent out or voted until 35 days before the election. The last day to request an early voting ballot to be mailed is the second Friday before the election. All early voting ballots whether personally delivered, delivered by agent or delivered by mail or other carriers must arrive by the closing of the polls on Election Day: 8:00 pm central time and 7:00 pm mountain time.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person:

You may only do so by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Nevada is a universal vote by mail state, which means all active registered voters will receive a ballot by mail and no request is necessary. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day or received by 7pm if hand delivered.


In Nevada, all active registered voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot as long as they are registered no later than 14 days before Election Day.


Voted ballots sent through the mail must be:

(1) Mailed in the postage-paid return envelope provided specifically for you, showing your name and address, and you must also sign the outside of that envelope before mailing it; 

(2) Postmarked on or before Election Day; and 

(3) Received by the Election Department by 5pm on the fourth day after Election Day.

Do not put your ballot in another voter’s return envelope.


Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day or received by 7pm in person on Election Day if hand delivered.


As long as you haven’t returned your voted ballot, you can vote in person. In order to vote in person, you must surrender your vote-by-mail ballot or sign a form affirming that you have not voted your ballot and will not attempt to vote twice. You may also "opt-out" of receiving future ballots by mail by submitting the appropriate form.

You have two options for voting in person:

Early Voting: Early voting begins 17 days before the election and ends 4 days before the election. Days and hours of operation vary by county. A list of early voting polling places by county can be found here. In order to avoid lines on Election Day, all voters who wish to vote in person are encouraged to vote early.

Election Day: Polling locations open at 7am on Election Day and remain open until 7pm. As long as you are in line by 7pm, you will be allowed to vote. A list of Election Day polling places by county can be found here.


Ballots are mailed starting no later than 20 days before Election Day for in-state voters and no later than 40-45 days before Election Day for out-of-state voters. If you don’t receive your mail ballot packet by the start of early voting, immediately contact your local election office.


You can check your voter registration status on the secretary of state’s website.


You can sign up to track your mail ballot using your secretary of state’s resource. If you have any issues with your state’s online tracker, please contact your local election office


To opt-out, you must submit a written or online request to not receive a mail ballot by 60 days before Election Day. You can opt-out online or by mail. To opt-out by mail, you can print, complete, and mail a Mail Ballot Preference Form.


Nevada has an emergency absentee voting program. An absentee ballot can be brought to you at a hospital or other medical facility in certain emergency circumstances. Requests for an emergency absentee ballot must be made in writing and submitted any time before 5:00 p.m. on the day of the election. 

Such requests must be due to an illness or disability resulting in confinement to a medical facility, including nursing homes, sudden hospitalization, serious illness, or being called away from home after the deadline for requesting a standard absentee ballot. Please contact your local election office for more information.


If you are a first time voter, you may be required to present ID for voting if: (a) The data you provided on your voter registration application didn’t match the data on file at the Department of Motor Vehicles or Social Security Administration; and (b) You didn’t respond to the letter that was sent to you notifying you of the discrepancy. 

Your county clerk will notify you if you are required to provide a copy of your identification with your mail ballot. To fulfill this requirement, you must submit both identity and residency identification with your mail ballot. 

"Official Identification" means a government-issued, or otherwise official, article or combination of articles, which establishes both the identity and residence.

Forms of ID may include:

  • A current and valid Nevada driver's license
  • A current and valid identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles
  • A current and valid identification card issued by a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States
  • A current and valid identification card issued by a sheriff of a Nevada county to an employee as a condition of employment by certain business enterprises
  • A current and valid identification card issued by an agency of the State of Nevada or political subdivision thereof or the United States, including, without limitation, a public school, college or university
  • Current and valid student identification card from an accredited private school, college or university
  • Current and valid United States passport
  • Current and valid insurance plan identification card which the county clerk determines, in his or her discretion, to be a reliable indication of the true name and identity of the person
  • Current and valid tribal identification card

Proof of residency may include:

  • Any form of ID set forth above
  • Current and valid utility bill, including, without limitation, a bill for electricity, gas, oil, water, sewer, septic, telephone, cellular telephone or cable television
  • Current and valid bank or credit union statement
  • Current and valid paycheck
  • Current and valid income tax return
  • Current and valid statement concerning mortgage, rental or lease of a residence
  • Current and valid motor vehicle registration
  • Current and valid document issued by a governmental agency
  • Current and valid property tax statement
  • Any other official article which the county clerk determines, in his or her discretion, to be a reliable indication of the true residential address of the person

If you have questions on this process, please contact your local election office.


If a question arises about your signature on the outside of your mail ballot return envelope or if you did not put your signature on the outside of that envelope, the Election Department will notify you using the contact information in your voter registration. You will have until 5pm on the sixth day after Election Day to provide a signature confirmation or an actual signature, as applicable.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation

Request your Ballot

Absentee ballots are available from your local official approximately 30 days before an election. A person may vote by absentee ballot if:

  • They will be absent from the city/town in which they are qualified to vote on the day of an election
  • You are physically disabled and unable to vote in person
  • You are a member (or a spouse or a dependent of a member) of the uniformed services who will be absent on election day
  • Your observance of a religious commitment prevents you from voting in person
  • You are unable to appear at any time during the polling hours at your polling place because of a work obligation that requires you to remain physically at work or be in transit to or from work from the time the polls open until after the polls close. Work can include unpaid care of children or infirm adults.

To request an absentee ballot, you may download the application. You can also submit a request in writing. You must include all the information that is on the application. Don't forget your name, voting address, mailing address and your signature. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail or in person. All absentee ballots must be received by 5pm on Election Day to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. If you have any questions please contact your local official.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local local official contact info here.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. In New Jersey, absentee ballots are called mail-in or vote-by-mail ballots. The last day to request a mail-in ballot through the mail is 7 days before the election. The last day to request a mail-in ballot in-person is 3 pm the day before the election.  If returning your Mail-In Ballot in person it must be received by your County Board of Elections before close of polls on Election Day. If returning your Mail-In Ballot by mail, it must be postmarked no later than Election Day and received by your County Board of Elections no later than 144 hours (6 days) after the time of the closing of the polls for the election. You can track your ballot on the NJ DOS website!

Requesting and Returning your Mail-in Ballot

You may apply for a vote by mail ballot by completing an vote by mail ballot application and mailing the application to your county clerk. The application must be received by the County Clerk seven days before the election. 

You may also apply in person to the county clerk until 3:00 p.m. the day before the election. 

The County Clerk cannot accept faxed copies of a vote by mail ballot application unless you are a Military or Overseas voter, since an original signature is required. 

Voters do not need to provide a copy of their ID in order to cast a vote- by-mail ballot except under certain circumstances for first time voters. These voters will receive a notice with their vote-by-mail ballot.

If returning your Mail-In Ballot in person it must be received by your County Board of Elections or placed in a secure ballot drop-box before close of polls on Election Day. If returning your Mail-In Ballot by mail, it must be postmarked no later than Election Day and received by your County Board of Elections no later than 144 hours (6 days) after the time of the closing of the polls for the election. 

Permanent Mail-in Ballot List

To become a Permanent Mail-in Ballot Voter, simply check the appropriate box on the Absentee Ballot Application indicating that you wish to receive your ballot by mail in all future elections. 

Voting in Person after Requesting an Absentee Ballot

If you requested a Mail-In Ballot but wish to vote at the polls on Election Day you may request an Opt-Out Form from your county clerk. If mail-in ballots have already been mailed for the election, you will not be able to vote on a machine at the polls. 

Additional Information

If you have any questions, you can call 1-877-NJ-VOTER (1-877-658-6837). 

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a vote by mail ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 14 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

You can request an absentee ballot through your county clerk, by mail, by phone, or online.

Be sure to return your absentee ballot to the county clerk's office or to a polling location on or before Election Day. Absentee ballots must be delivered by 7pm on Election Day to be counted.

Permanent Mail Voting List (Effective Jan. 1, 2024)

To join the permanent mail voting list, you can complete a paper or online application and submit it to your county clerk. At least 49 days before each statewide election, the county clerk will notify voters on the list, reminding them that they will receive a ballot by mail. The notice will also include information on removing themselves from the list if they choose to do so.

A voter would be removed from the permanent mail voting list if:

  • They fail to return the mail ballot in two consecutive elections, including at least one general election.
  • A mailed ballot or other election mail sent to the voter's mailing address was returned undeliverable.
  • Their registration is canceled.
  • They update their registration to an address outside the county.
  • They request to leave the list.

For other questions, check the Secretary of State Website.

Request your Ballot

Any registered New York voter may apply for an early mail ballot. You can apply online, in person at your local election office, or by designating another person to deliver your application to your local election office for you.

Early mail ballot applications are due 10 days before the election if you’d like a ballot mailed, or the day before Election Day if you plan to receive your ballot in person. Early mail ballots must be postmarked by Election Day or submitted in person by 9pm on Election Day to your County Board of Elections Office or polling site.


In New York, any registered voter may apply for an early mail ballot.


 You can apply for an early mail ballot by:

You can download a PDF version of the New York State Early Mail Ballot Application Form on the state’s website.


Yes, you must apply each calendar year to receive an early mail ballot.

If you are permanently ill or disabled, you have the right to receive an Absentee Ballot for each subsequent election without further application. Simply file an application with your county board of elections indicating permanent illness or physical disability. See below for more information on Absentee Ballots.


Your early mail ballot application must be received by your county board of elections no later than 10 days before the election. If you want to receive an early mail ballot in person, your application must be received by the day before the election.


Your early mail ballot must be postmarked by Election Day or received in-person by 9pm on Election Day.


Once you receive your early mail ballot, follow these steps:

  1. Mark the ballot according to your choices for each office following the instructions on the ballot.
  2. Once you have completed marking your ballot, fold it up and place it in the Security Envelope. This envelope will have a place for your signature.
  3. Sign and date the outside of the Security Envelope.
  4. Seal the Security Envelope.
  5. All early mail ballots include a pre-paid Return Envelope. Place the Security Envelope in the Return Envelope. This envelope will have the return address of your county Board of Elections on the outside and should have a logo that reads, “Official Election Mail.” The Return Envelope does not require any additional postage.
  6. Seal the Return Envelope.


You can return your marked early mail ballot the following ways:

  1. Put it in the mail, ensuring it receives a postmark by Election Day. It must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than 7 days after Election Day.
  2. Bring it to your County Board of Elections Office by 9pm on Election Day.
  3. Bring it to an early voting poll site in your county during early in-person voting.
  4. Bring it to a poll site in your county by 9pm on Election Day

Mail Time Consideration

When mailing your completed ballot, the USPS recommends that voters allow enough time for ballots to be returned to the Board, which is generally 7 days ahead of the general election. Voters who mail in their ballots on Election Day must be aware of the posted collection times on collection boxes and at the Postal Service’s retail facilities, and that ballots entered after the last posted collection time will not be postmarked until the following business day.


You can sign up to track your mail ballot using your state's resource. If you have any issues with your state’s online tracker, please contact your local election office


Due to a recent change in law, New York State voters are no longer permitted to cast a ballot on a voting machine if they have already been issued an early mail, accessible, or absentee ballot for that election. Voters who have already been issued a ballot can still vote in person using an affidavit ballot. 


Excused-absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 10 days before an Election if requested by letter, fax, or online and one day before an election if requested in person. To be counted, an absentee ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and must reach the board of elections no more than seven days after the election. You can track your absentee ballot here.

You are eligible for an excused-absentee ballot if: 

  • Absent from your county or, if a resident of New York City absent from the five boroughs, on Election Day.
  • Unable to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability.
  • Unable to appear because you are the primary caregiver of one or more individuals who are ill or physically disabled.
  • A resident or patient of a Veterans Health Administration Hospital.
  • In jail or prison for any reason other than a felony conviction. This includes anyone who is awaiting grand jury action, awaiting trial, or serving a sentence for a misdemeanor.

You may apply for an absentee ballot in any of the following ways:

If you cannot pick up your ballot, you have the right to designate someone to pick it up for you. Only that person designated on your application may pick up your ballot.

If you are permanently ill or disabled, you have the right to receive an Absentee Ballot for each subsequent election without further application. Simply file an application with your county board of elections indicating permanent illness or physical disability. You will then automatically receive an absentee ballot for every election until your registration is canceled.

Voters are no longer permitted to cast a ballot on a voting machine if they have been issued an early mail or absentee ballot for that election. Voters who have already been issued an early mail or absentee ballot can still vote in person using an affidavit ballot.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a mail ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Mail-in absentee voting is available in NC and no excuse is required for registered voters. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before the election. Your ballot must be received by 7:30pm on Election Day in order to be counted. *Voter registration and absentee voting deadlines and different for military and overseas voters. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your State Board of Elections website. 

ID Requirements

NOTE: Voters who vote by mail must include a photocopy of an acceptable ID. Or they may complete a Photo ID Exception Form with the absentee ballot return envelope. Instructions will be included in the absentee ballot packet. For more information, including acceptable types of photo ID, see Voter ID.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Requesting an absentee ballot will not record you in the system as having voted. If you do not vote your absentee ballot, you may vote in person during the early voting period or on Election Day. You may simply discard your absentee ballot. There is no need to bring it with you to a polling place.

Request your Ballot

Any North Dakota voter can vote absentee (vote-by-mail), and no excuse is required. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail, in person, by fax, or as a scanned attachment to an email. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 1 day before the election. 

Voted absentee ballots must be postmarked the day before the Election Day or delivered in-person by 5pm the day before Election Day.


Any North Dakota voter can vote absentee.


You can fill out the absentee ballot application online, print, sign and submit it to your county auditor, or you can print the application form, complete, sign, and submit it. 

Some counties are designated by their Board of County Commissioners as vote by mail counties. If a county is not a vote by mail county, it is an absentee county. The only difference between vote by mail counties and absentee counties is how the voter receives their application for a ballot.

  • In vote by mail counties, the county auditor mails an absentee ballot application to all eligible voters.
  • In absentee counties, voters must request the application for an absentee ballot from their county auditor.

You are never mailed a ballot without first requesting one. Make sure you have valid North Dakota ID information to apply for an absentee ballot.


The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 1 day before Election Day.


Absentee ballots must be postmarked the day before Election Day, or you can drop it off in person to your county auditor or in your county’s secure ballot drop box by 5pm the day before Election Day.


Yes, you must request an absentee ballot each calendar year. You can indicate on your absentee ballot application which elections within the calendar year for which you’d like an absentee ballot mailed to you.


Absentee ballots are available by the 40th day before the election. You may live in a county using mail ballot elections (at least one polling place must be open on Election Day). In these counties, a mail ballot application is required to be sent to every active voter between the 50th and 40th day before the election. 


After you receive your absentee ballot, you can:

  1. Vote your ballot with a blue or black pen.
  2. Place your ballot in the provided ballot secrecy envelope.
  3. Put your secrecy envelope inside the return envelope and seal it.
  4. Sign and date the back of the return envelope.
  5. Return your ballot by mail using the proper amount of postage or in-person to your county auditor or in your county’s secure ballot drop box.

When your county auditor receives your completed absentee ballot, they will review your signature on the return envelope to verify that it matches the signature on the absentee ballot application you submitted. When verified, your voter record is updated to indicate that you have returned a ballot.


You can return your completed absentee ballot by mail, in-person to your county auditor, or drop it off in your county’s secure ballot dropbox.

  • By Mail: Ballots must be postmarked by the day before Election Day. Postage will be paid by the voter.
  • In Person: You can hand deliver your absentee ballot to the county auditor or county elections office by 5pm local time the day before Election Day. Look up the address for your county courthouse.
  • Ballot Drop Box: Secure absentee ballot drop boxes are provided in each county for voters who wish to deliver their absentee ballot directly to the county. Ballots must be placed in the dropbox by 5pm local time the day before Election Day. Check for your county’s drop box by entering your address in the state’s Polling Place Locator


You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on the Secretary of State’s website.


As long as you haven’t submitted your absentee ballot, you can vote in person using a regular ballot.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a mail ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting in Ohio is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before an election.

Your marked absentee ballot must be postmarked by the day before Election Day and received no later than four days after the election in order to be counted. It can also be returned in person before the close of the polls on Election Day.


Any registered voter in Ohio.


You can request an absentee ballot and return the completed form through mail or in person.

You can request your absentee ballot for each election beginning on January 1st or 90 days before Election Day, whichever is earlier, but you must submit a separate absentee ballot application for each election in which you want to vote.

To request your absentee ballot, you must use the Secretary of State's official absentee ballot application form. Previously, applications were accepted in any form as long as all the required information was included, but the law has since changed.


The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before the election.


Absentee ballots must be received before the close of the polls on Election Day, or postmarked by the day before an election and received no later than four days after the close of the polls. 


Absentee voting begins 29 days before an election.

Once absentee ballots are available for voting, you may either vote in person at your county board of elections office or receive and return the absentee ballot via US mail or overnight delivery services, such as FedEx or UPS.


When absentee voting begins, you can receive your absentee ballot either by mail or in person.

By mail: You must mail your completed absentee ballot application with your original signature to your county board of elections. The board must receive your application 7 days before the election, but you should submit your request as far in advance of the election as possible to ensure you receive your absentee ballot before the election.

In-person: You can go to your county board of elections office during regular business hours after absentee ballots are available for voting, but no later than the day before the election, and request, receive, and immediately vote your ballot at the board office.

For more information, please contact the Ohio Secretary of State’s office.


You can sign up to track your absentee ballot through the Ohio Secretary of State’s website.


If you requested an absentee ballot, you can still vote in person.

If you would like to vote at the county Early Vote Center you can during the Early Voting period and you can vote a regular ballot. If you would like to vote on Election Day you can, but you will have to vote a provisional ballot. You will be asked for your absentee ballot during Early Voting, but if you do not have it with you, you can still vote on a regular ballot.


If you are hospitalized on Election Day, regardless of where you are hospitalized, you must submit a properly completed and signed request to the board of elections of the county where your voting residence is located by 3:00 p.m. on Election Day.

To be eligible under this provision, you must be confined in a hospital because of an unforeseeable medical emergency, and your application must specify where, when, and why you came to be hospitalized.

You may include in your absentee ballot application a request that your county board of elections give your unmarked ballot to a designated relative. A relative includes: your spouse, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, son, daughter, adopted parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece. Your relative would then deliver the ballot to you in the hospital and return it to the board office after you have voted it.

If you are hospitalized in the same county where you are registered to vote, two representatives of the board of elections can deliver the ballot to you and return it to the board office.


Overseas citizens and US military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is the third Monday (15 days) prior to an election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received by 7pm on Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your State Election Board website.  Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Voters must surrender their absentee ballots before receiving a regular ballot, otherwise they must vote by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Any registered voter in Oklahoma may request an absentee ballot with no excuse. If you prefer to request an absentee ballot by mail, you may write a letter to your county election board. The letter must contain the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your birth date
  • Your address
  • Identification number that matches the identification number on your voter registration record
  • The election(s) for which you are requesting ballot(s)
  • The address where ballot(s) should be mailed
  • Your signature

You may apply for absentee ballots for one election, for several elections, or for all elections during the calendar year in which the application is submitted.

An absentee ballot must be received by the county election board before 7:00 pm on Election Day to be counted.

If you prefer, you may vote absentee in person at the county election board office from 8am-6pm on the Thursday and Friday before all elections. If the election is a state or a federal election, in person absentee voting is available from 8am-2pm on the Saturday before the election.

If you become incapacitated after 5:00 pm on the third Monday (15 days) before an election, you may receive an absentee ballot through special emergency procedures. You must make a written request to the county election board. The request must be accompanied by a statement from a doctor saying you are incapacitated and will be unable to vote in person on Election Day. Your request and the doctor's statement must be taken to the county election board office by the person you choose. This person becomes your agent. The county election board can provide a form to be used for both your request and the doctor's statement. The agent will receive your ballot and will deliver it to you. After you mark the ballot, the agent must return it to the county election board office before 7:00 pm on Election Day.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

All voters receive their ballots through the vote by mail process. Ballots will be mailed 14 to 18 days before an election. Voted ballots must be received or mailed with a valid post mark by 8 p.m. on Election Day. You can sign up to track your mail ballot on your Secretary of State website. Ballots begin being counted on Election Day.

Oregon conducts voting by mail only. You have the choice of mailing your ballot or returning it to any county election office or any designated drop site.

If it is determined by the county elections official that a person does not receive daily mail service from USPS, the ballot is mailed 18 to 20 days before the election. Out of state voters that are not long term absentee voters have their ballots mailed no sooner than the 29th day before the election. Long term and military absentee ballots (including all out of country ballots) are mailed 45 days before the election.

You may apply for absentee voter status if you live out of state or if you know that you will be absent for the election (i.e., you will be out of town prior to the election and are putting your mail on hold.) Absentee ballots are available 45 days before the election. To apply for absentee voter status: obtain an absentee ballot request form from your county elections office or , fill out the form, and return it to your county elections office in person, via US mail or fax.

If you prefer, your absentee ballot request can remain valid for all future elections until you notify your county elections official otherwise or you move out of the county. Please specify this preference on the request form.

To be a long term absentee voter, you must be a resident of Oregon who is absent from your place of residence. Possible long term absentee voters could include a person temporarily living outside of the territorial limits of the United States and the District of Columbia or a spouse of a long term absentee voter.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.


All registered voters are eligible to request to vote by mail. You can request your mail ballot online, through a paper form (found in English and Espanol), in person at your County Election office or through a signed letter to your County Election Office. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before the election. Voted ballots must be received  by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your mail ballot on your Department of State website. Absentee ballots start being counted on Election Day. You can track your absentee ballot here.

Emergency absentee ballots are available! If you have a last minute unexpected illness, disability or absence after the deadline to request an absentee ballot you can request an emergency absentee ballot.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: If you already submitted a mail-in or absentee ballot, you cannot vote at your polling place on election day.

If you did not return your mail-in or absentee ballot and you want to vote in person, you have two options:

  1. Bring your ballot and the pre-addressed outer return envelope to your polling place to be voided. After you surrender your ballot and envelope and sign a declaration, you can then vote a regular ballot.
  2. If you don't surrender your ballot and return envelope, you can only vote by provisional ballot at your polling place. Your county board of elections will then verify that you did not vote by mail before counting your provisional ballot.

For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

You may now request your absentee ballot online! You can vote absentee if you are:

  • A college student
  • Out of town on Election Day
  • Have a disability or illness that prevents you from getting to your polling place
  • A member of the military
  • Have a conflict due to a religious holiday

All registered PA voters can cast their ballot by mail. After applying, you can track the status of your ballot here.

The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is one week before the Election Day.

When you apply for an absentee ballot you must provide a driver's license number or a Social Security Number. If you don't know have a driver's license or a Social Security Number you must present a copy of an acceptable photo ID.

If you are a UOCAVA voter, a voter with a disability or voters over 65 and affected by the Voting Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Act you do not need to provide any ID to apply for your absentee ballot.

Deadlines for returning your voted absentee ballot:

The deadline to return your ballot is 8pm on Election Day.

If you have an emergency and did not apply for an absentee ballot by the deadline you may download and apply for an Emergency Absentee Ballot. This application must be notarized before it is submitted. More information about Emergency Absentee Ballots can be found here.

Request your Ballot

Mail-in voting is available to all registered voters, and no excuse is needed. The last day to request a mail-in ballot is 21 days before the election. The last day to request a mail-in ballot is 21 days before the election. You can submit your request by mail, online, or in person. If you mail your request by the deadline, it can still be accepted if it arrives no later than 18 days before Election Day. Voted ballots must be received by 8 pm on Election Day to be counted. You can sign up to track your mail-in ballot on your Department of State website. Contact your local elections office for more information.

Those who requested a mail-in ballot but end up voting in person may only do so by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Emergency Mail Ballots

If emergency circumstances arise after the regular mail ballot application deadline, you may apply for an emergency mail ballot at your local board of canvassers. You can apply up until 4 p.m. on the day before an election. Your emergency mail ballot must be received by the state Board of Elections no later than 9 p.m. the day of the election.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can register to vote and request a mail-in ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting by mail is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The deadline to return your absentee ballot application is at 5:00 p.m. on the 11th day prior to the election. Voted ballots must be received by 7pm on Election Day in order to be counted. You can track your absentee ballot here.

  • Persons who will be absent from their county of residence during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons with employment obligations which prevent them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons attending a sick or physically disabled person which prevents them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons confined to a jail or pretrial facility pending disposition of arrest or trial which prevents them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons with physical disabilities.
  • Persons sixty-five years of age or older.
  • Members of the Armed Forces and Merchant Marines of the United States, their spouses, and dependents residing with them (Learn more about procedures related to Military and Overseas Citizens).
  • Persons admitted to a hospital as an emergency patient on the day of the election or within a four-day period before the election (see additional details below).

Call, visit or send your request by U.S. mail to your county voter registration office

  • You must provide your name, date of birth and last four digits of your Social Security Number.
  • You will be mailed an application.  
  • See the details on the absentee process at the South Carolina Election Commission's Absentee Voting page  (including how Immediate Family Members and Authorized Representatives can request a voter's application.)

To check the status of your absentee ballot, please use your state's tool.

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 1 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail or in person. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. Contact your local elections office for more information.

Any registered voter may vote by absentee ballot. You must request an absentee ballot application from your County Election Official or fill out an absentee ballot request here. You will then be sent a paper absentee ballot to vote.

The County Election Official must receive your application no later than 5pm the day before the election.

If you are confined because of sickness or disability, you may apply in writing and obtain an absentee ballot by authorized messenger. The authorized messenger delivers the ballot from the County Election Official to the qualified voter and then delivers the marked ballot to the County Election Official. Any application for a ballot by authorized messenger must be received before 3pm the day of the election.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person may do so without surrendering their absentee ballot. For specifics contact your local county clerk.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form by mail, fax or email. The form does need to be physically signed by you before being returned to the election official. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person may only do so by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

To vote by mail, you:

  • You are hospitalized, ill or physically disabled and unable to appear at your polling place to vote. For a list of underlying health conditions that makes a person especially vulnerable see A physician’s statement is not required to check this box.
  • You are the caretaker of, or live with a person who is hospitalized, ill, or disabled. For a list of underlying health conditions that makes a person especially vulnerable see physician’s statement is not required to check this box.
  • Will be outside the county of registration during the early voting period and all day on Election Day
  • Or your spouse are enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited college or university outside the county of registration
  • Reside in a licensed facility providing relatively permanent domiciliary care, other than a penal institution, outside your county of residence
  • Will be unable to vote in person due to service as a juror for a federal or state court
  • Are 60 or older
  • Have a physical disability and an inaccessible polling place
  • Are a candidate for office in the election
  • Serve as an election day official or as a member or employee of the election commission
  • Your observance of a religious holiday prevents you from voting in person during the early voting period and on Election Day
  • Possess a valid commercial driver's license and certify that you will be working outside the state or county of registration during the early voting period and all day on Election Day
  • Are a member of the military or an overseas citizen

You may request a by mail ballot by writing to your county elections office or fill out an absentee ballot request here. You may also email your request with an attached document including a scanned signature.

You may request an application for by mail ballot no earlier than 90 days before the election and no later than seven days before the election. 

The county elections office must receive the ballot by mail no later than the close of Election Day.

Once the election office issues an absentee by mail ballot to you, you can only vote by mail. If you notify the elections office that you have spoiled your ballot or have not received the ballot, the elections office shall supply you with subsequent voting supplies. The county elections office will reject the old application and send a new application to you immediately by mail to be completed and returned again. The by mail ballot must be received by the county elections office through the postal mail, it can not be hand delivered.

First-time voters who register to vote by mail cannot vote by absentee ballot; they must vote in person. 

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Voting by Mail in Texas is limited to those with certain eligibility requirements. The last day to request a mail ballot is 11 days before the election, and your marked ballot must be received by your Election Clerk by 7pm on Election Day. 


To qualify to vote-by-mail, you must be: 

  • Absent from your county of residence on Election Day and during the early voting period, 

  • Sick or have a disability that prevents you from voting in person without assistance, 

  • 65 years old or older, 

  • Confined to jail serving a misdemeanor sentence; or confined to jail without bail pending trial for a felony or appeal of a felony conviction, 

  • Expecting to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day, or 

  • Civilly committed under Chapter 841 of the Texas Health and Safety Code 


You may request a mail ballot application from your Early Voting Clerk in the county where you are registered or use this application form. Read the application instructions carefully, complete the application, and return it to your Early Voting Clerk. 


The last day to request a ballot by mail is 11 days before the election. You can return your mail ballot request form through the mail or in-person to your county’s Early Voting Clerk.  


The Early Voting Clerk must receive your marked ballot by 7pm on Election Day, or by the 5th day after Election Day if your ballot is submitted from outside of the United States.  


Ballots are mailed out 30 to 45 days before an election or 7 days after the county election office receives an application. 


When you receive your ballot, be sure to:  

  1. Mark your ballot using a black or blue pen, 

  1. Place your ballot in the ballot envelope and seal it, 

  1. Place the ballot envelope in the carrier envelope, 

  1. Complete all information UNDER THE FLAP of the carrier-envelope, including your contact information, your voter ID number, AND the last four digits of your social security number, 

  1. Seal it, and 

  1. Sign your name OVER THE FLAP of the carrier envelope. 

The Early Voting Clerk must receive your marked ballot by 7pm on Election Day or by the 5th day after Election Day if your ballot is submitted from outside of the United States. 


You can return your marked ballot in the official carrier envelope to the Early Voting Clerk on Election Day while the polls are open. You must show your ID and sign a form to return it in person. Contact your county election officials for more information. 


You can track the status of your ballot by mail application or ballot online here. If you have any issues with your state’s online tracker, please contact your local elections official


Bring your mail ballot and the pre-addressed outer return envelope to your polling place to be voided. If you don’t have your ballot or never received it, you will be able to cast a provisional ballot, and your vote will be counted once the county determines it never received a mail ballot from you. 


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a mail ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation. 

Request your Ballot

Almost all registered voters will receive their ballots in the mail before Election Day. The voted ballot must be postmarked the day before Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your mail ballot on your Lieutenant Governor website. Ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  

If you are registered to vote, you may vote by absentee ballot. A separate absentee ballot application must be filled out for each election. All completed forms should be mailed to your county clerk's office.

For regular absentee voting, the ballot application must be received no later than the Thursday before the election.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 1 day before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can track your absentee ballot here.  

You can request an absentee ballot through phone, fax, email, mail, in person or online. All requests must be submitted by 5pm or the close of the Town Clerk's office on the day before the election. 

NOTE: Vermont will mail ballots to all registered voters in the weeks leading up to the election. Anyone planning to vote early or by mail in the Aug. 9 primary must request a ballot. 

There are several ways for you to vote absentee by mail. 

Vote at Home on Election Day. If you are sick or disabled a ballot can be delivered to your home on election day. You must request an absentee ballot before 5pm on the day before the election. On election day, two justices of the peace will deliver a ballot to you and then will bring the ballot back to the polling place so it can be counted. 

Vote by Mail. Any voter can request that the town clerk mail them an early voter absentee ballot. Once voted, you can return the ballot to the clerk in the envelope included with the ballot. The clerk must receive the ballot by the close of the polls on Election Day to be counted. You can request a ballot at any time before an election and clerks will mail absentee ballots within the 45 days before the election. 

Hand Delivered Ballots. A voter may pick up a ballot at the town clerk's office at any time beginning 45 days before the general or primary election. You can deliver the voted ballot in a sealed envelope to the clerk on or before election day. The ballot can be returned to the clerk or delivered to the polling place by the voter or any person the voter authorizes to return the ballot for them. However, you can only pick up your own ballot from the clerks office. 

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Voters must surrender their absentee ballots before receiving a regular ballot, or sign an affidavit that they have not already voted. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Absentee voting in Virginia is available, and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is by 5pm 11 days before an election.

Your marked absentee ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and received by noon three days after the election in order to be counted. It can also be returned in person to your local registrar’s office or to a secure ballot drop box by 7pm on Election Day.


Any registered voter in Virginia.


You can request an absentee ballot in a few different ways, including:

  • Applying online
  • Calling your local registrar’s office to have an absentee ballot application sent to you, or
  • Printing and completing the “Vote by Mail” application form and submitting it to your local registrar’s office by mail, fax, or scanned attachment to an email.

Contact information for your local registrar's office is available using our online lookup tool.  

You can request your absentee ballot at any time during the year; the form permits a permanent request ensuring that you continue receiving an absentee ballot without additional requests.


The last day to request an absentee ballot is by 5pm 11 days before an election.


Your marked absentee ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and be received by your local registrar by noon on the third day after the election in order to be counted. It can also be returned in person to your local registrar’s office or a ballot drop box by 7pm on Election Day. Absentee ballot envelopes submitted by mail or drop box no longer require a witness signature. Instead, voters must include their birthdate and the last four digits of their social security number.


Ballots can be mailed out to applicants starting 45 days before Election Day.


You can hand-deliver their marked absentee ballot to your local registrar’s office, to a secure ballot drop box, or at any polling place in your city or county by 7pm on Election Day.


You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on Virginia’s Department of Elections website. Absentee ballots must be processed but results cannot be announced before the polls close on Election Day.

If you have any issues with your state’s online tracker, please contact your local elections official.


To vote a regular ballot in person, you need to bring your absentee ballot to your polling place to be voided.

If you do not bring your absentee ballot to the polls, you can still vote a regular ballot during Early Voting by signing a Gold Form, but if it’s Election Day, you will have to vote a provisional ballot. If the pollbook indicates that you were not only issued an absentee ballot but also that the ballot was returned, the voter can only vote a provisional ballot that will be reviewed by the local Electoral Board to ensure that you only vote once.

Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county registrar contact info here.


You can apply for an emergency absentee ballot if you at:

  • Hospitalized or have an illness
  • Dealing with a hospitalization, illness or death of a spouse, child or parent
  • Have another emergency found to justify an emergency absentee ballot

If you meet these requirements, you can have a designated representative request an absentee ballot through the day before the election. You must complete the application and deliver it to the local registrar's office by 2 pm the day before the election. Voted ballots must be returned before the polls close on Election Day.


For federal elections only, first-time voters in their county or city who registered by mail are qualified to vote by absentee ballot if a copy of a qualified ID is included with the completed ballot. These voters will be sent a notice with their absentee ballot explaining the requirements.

Voters who receive the notice will need to include a copy of one of these types of IDs with their voted ballot:

  • A current and valid photo ID (for example a driver’s license);
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check or paycheck that shows name and address; or
  • Another government document that shows name and address (for example a voter card).

If the voter returns an absentee ballot by mail without a copy of one of these forms of ID, the absentee ballot will be treated as a provisional ballot and counted only if the voter provides a copy of their ID to the electoral board by the Friday at noon following Election Day.

Non-federal elections do not require a copy of an ID.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Washington state is a vote by mail state, so all registered voters receive a ballot by mail. Absentee ballots only need to be requested if you will not be at your registered address during the 18 days before an election. If you are away from your registered address before an election, you can contact your county election official to see if they are able to forward your mail ballot to your new, temporary address. Your ballot is mailed to you at least 18 days before each election. Voted ballots must be postmarked or received by Election Day in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your mail ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day.  If you have any questions contact your Secretary of State.

You may request an absentee ballot as early as 90 days before an election. No absentee ballots are issued on election day except to a voter who is a resident of a health care facility. The request for an absentee ballot must be made to your county auditor or elections department. You can also fill out an absentee ballot request for here.

NOTE: Absentee ballots must be signed and postmarked or delivered to the county election officer on or before election day.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available if you meet any of the criteria below. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 6 days before the election. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received no later than 5 days after Election Day in order to be counted. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail, in person, or scanned as an attachment to an email. Just be sure to include your proof of ID no matter how you return the request form.  You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website. Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. For more information contact your local election officials.

Requesting and Returning your Absentee Ballot

You may submit an absentee ballot application beginning 84 days before the General Election if you meet any of the following criteria: 

  • Attending school
  • Illness, injury or other medical reason
  • Traveling outside the county for business or personal reasons
  • Incarcerated or serving home confinement for misdemeanor, and legally registered to vote
  • Work hours and distance from county seat
  • Work assignment requires living temporarily outside the county (4 years or less)
  • Service as election or appointed or federal official requires living temporarily outside country
  • If the early voting, or Election Day polling locations are inaccessible
  • If you are attending college or another place of education or training

To download the absentee ballot application, use your state's resource.

Your request for an absentee ballot must be received no later than the 6th day before the election. Unless you are voting absentee by mail because of illness or disability, the ballot must be mailed to an out-of-county address. You may apply as early as eighty-four days before the election, but the ballots are not ready for mailing to you until six weeks before the election.

Mailed ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received no later than five days after Election Day in order to be counted. You can hand-deliver your ballot, but those must be received no later than the day before Election Day. You can track your ballot to see where it is in the process.

Voting in Person if Absentee Ballot was Requested

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person:  Voters must surrender their absentee ballots before receiving a regular ballot, otherwise they must vote by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

Permanent Absentee Voting 

If you are a participant in the West Virginia Secretary of State's Address Confidentiality Program or you have a permanent, physical disability that prevents you from going to a polling place, you can apply for permanent absentee voting.

Emergency Absentee Voting

If you're in a hospital or other health care facility on Election Day or are a poll worker appointed to a precinct other than your own after Early Voting you can apply for emergency absentee voting. Some counties allow for emergency absentee voting in other situations, so be sure to check with your County Clerk for more information.

Request your Ballot

Any registered voter in Wisconsin can request an absentee ballot. No excuse is required to vote absentee. You can request an absentee ballot online, by mail, or in person at your local elections office. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 5 days before the election. 

Voted absentee ballots must be received by 8pm on Election Day in order to be counted. If you’re mailing your voted absentee ballot, please mail it at least a week in advance for it to arrive by Election Day. You will need an adult to witness your absentee ballot envelope in order to have your ballot counted.


Any registered Wisconsin voter is eligible to request an absentee ballot.


You can request an absentee ballot online, by mail, or in person.

  • Online. You may request an absentee ballot online by visiting and clicking “Vote Absentee By Mail.” This request must be made no later than 5pm on the Thursday before the election.
  • By Mail. Download the application, complete the form, and mail it to your municipal clerk's office. The application must be received no later than 5pm on the Thursday before the election.
  • In Person. You may vote early in person – at the clerk’s office or another site designated by the clerk. Dates and hours for early voting may vary, though it can begin no earlier than 14 days before the election and end no later than the Sunday before the election. Please contact your municipal clerk for absentee voting hours.

If you have not previously provided a copy of your photo ID, your photo ID must accompany your application. Military and permanent overseas voters do not need to provide a photo ID with their request.


The last day to request an absentee ballot is 5 days before the election. 


Your marked absentee ballot must be delivered no later than 8pm on Election Day. The US Postal Service recommends you mail your absentee ballot one week before Election Day to ensure it arrives in time. You may also hand-deliver your absentee ballot to your polling place or clerk’s office by 8pm on Election Day.


Absentee ballots are mailed 3 weeks before local (spring) elections and 47 days before national (fall) elections.


Before you begin, line up a witness who can verify that you filled out your own ballot. Choose an adult US citizen who is not a candidate in the upcoming election. 

Next, fill out your ballot carefully with a blue or black pen. Once your ballot is complete, place it in the certified envelope. Then seal, sign, and date the certificate envelope, and make sure your witness adds their address and signature.

If you make a mistake or change your mind about a selection, contact your municipal clerk's office for help.


You can return your absentee ballot by mail or in-person at your municipal clerk’s office or polling site. It must be received by 8pm on Election Day. Here are more details:

  • Mail it back using the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope included with your ballot packet. USPS recommends mailing your ballot back at least 7 days before Election Day. Once your ballot is in the mail, you may not vote in person at the polls.
  • Go to your clerk's office to drop off your ballot or vote in-person absentee. Your clerk might require an appointment or offer other in-person absentee voting locations, like your local library.
  • Take it to your assigned polling place or absentee counting location on Election Day.
  • Designate another person to deliver it for you. If it is too close to the election to mail your completed ballot, and you are not able to deliver your ballot because of a disability, you have the right to have someone else deliver your completed ballot.

Any voter who requires assistance with mailing or delivering their absentee ballot to the municipal clerk, or with any other part of the voting process, because of a disability must be permitted to receive such assistance. Voters are entitled to receive assistance from a person of the voter’s choice, other than the voter’s employer or agent of that employer or officer or agent of the voter’s union. 


 You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on the My Vote Wisconsin website.


Voters who requested an absentee ballot, but decide they want to vote in person may do so. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. Registered voters may still vote early at their municipal clerk’s office OR in person at the polls on Election Day. Do not give your unused ballot to someone else.


Voters who are indefinitely confined, meaning they have a difficult time getting to the polls due to age, illness, infirmity, or disability, may request that a ballot be automatically sent to them for each election. Indefinitely confined voters do not need to provide a photo ID with their absentee ballot request. Voters on the permanent absentee ballot list must vote in each election or they will be dropped from the absentee ballot rolls.


Each hospitalized voter can request a ballot (in writing), and the voter may appoint an agent to pick up the ballot from the hospitalized voter’s clerk’s office.If you know you will be in the hospital, request a regular absentee ballot in advance.


Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request a mail ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. We recommend that you apply for your ballot no later than 17 days before the election to allow enough time to process your application for the general election. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 1 day before the election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail, in person or through email. Absentee ballots must be returned by the county clerk's office no later than 7pm on Election Day. You can sing up to track your absentee ballot on your Secretary of State website.  Absentee ballots begin being counted on Election Day. Contact your local election official for more information.

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Voters must surrender their absentee ballots before receiving a regular ballot, otherwise they must vote by a provisional ballot. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county clerk contact info here.

No excuse is required for a registered voter to vote by absentee ballot. To vote absentee by mail you must apply for a ballot with your county clerk or you can fill out absentee ballot request form here.

You may apply for an absentee ballot at anytime during the calendar year in which the election is held, but not on the day of the election. We recommend that you apply for your ballot no later than 17 days before the election to allow enough time to process your application for the general election. However, for specific dates you should contact your county clerk.

Absentee ballots must be returned by the county clerk's office no later than 7pm on Election Day. Ballots can be returned in person or by mail.

You can vote absentee in person in the office of the county clerk or by mail 45 days before an election.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot